HCL Software Apps

HCL Connections for AirWatch 6.5.2
HCL Software
HCL® Connections (formerly IBM® Connections) is social software forbusiness. It enables you to build a network of colleagues andsubject matter experts, and then leverage that network to furtheryour business goals. You can discuss ideas, work collaboratively onpresentations or proposals, share photos or files, plan and trackproject tasks, and much more. HCL Connections is a server productthat is deployed on your company intranet or the IBM Cloud. ThisHCL Connections mobile app extends access to that server foremployees who are on the go directly from their Android™ device.This app can also be securely managed by your company administratorthrough server side policies. Features - Securely drop documents,presentations and photos to your colleagues with Files. - Findexperts in your organization and build a social network withProfiles. - Join together with others to accomplish business goalsthrough Communities. - Influence and share your expertise throughBlogs and Wikis. - Get everyone on the same page using Bookmarks. -Track your project progress to success with Activities. - Sharenews, links and status across your network at any time.----------------------------------------------------------------------In order to access your company Connections server, you will need auserid and password along with the URL address of the server. Theapp will prompt you for this information. If you are an end userand experiencing a problem, please contact your company IT helpdesk. If you are a Connections administrator experiencing aproblem, please open a PMR with your customer number. In additionto rating the app, you can tell us what we have done right or whatwe can do better by emailing HCL mobile software engineeringdirectly at heyhcl@pnp-hcl.com This app uses the DeviceAdministrator permission.
HCL Connections
HCL Software
HCL® Connections (formerly IBM® Connections) is social softwareforbusiness. It enables you to build a network of colleaguesandsubject matter experts, and then leverage that network tofurtheryour business goals. You can discuss ideas, workcollaboratively onpresentations or proposals, share photos orfiles, plan and trackproject tasks, and much more. HCL Connectionsis a server productthat is deployed on your company intranet or theIBM Cloud. ThisHCL Connections mobile app extends access to thatserver foremployees who are on the go directly from their Android™device.This app can also be securely managed by your companyadministratorthrough server side policies. Features - Securely dropdocuments,presentations and photos to your colleagues with Files. -Findexperts in your organization and build a social networkwithProfiles. - Join together with others to accomplish businessgoalsthrough Communities. - Influence and share your expertisethroughBlogs and Wikis. - Get everyone on the same page usingBookmarks. -Track your project progress to success with Activities.- Sharenews, links and status across your network at anytime.Compatibility Requires Android 6.0 orlater.----------------------------------------------------------------------Inorder to access your company Connections server, you will needauserid and password along with the URL address of the server.Theapp will prompt you for this information. If you are an enduserand experiencing a problem, please contact your company IThelpdesk. If you are a Connections administrator experiencingaproblem, please open a PMR with your customer number. Inadditionto rating the app, you can tell us what we have done rightor whatwe can do better by emailing HCL mobile softwareengineeringdirectly at heyhcl@pnp-hcl.com This app uses theDeviceAdministrator permission.
Connections Chat 10.1.3 20210811-1605
HCL Software
Connections Chat is the official app for presence,instantmessaging, audio and video chat, and telephony for theConnectionsplatform. Connections Chat brings to market new andexcitingcapabilities to give you access to your people networksfrom thecomfort of your smartphone or tablet. Connections Chatfollows onSametime's footsteps to help you accelerate yourbusinessprocesses, improve decision making and, ultimately, helpyou makethe leap to the new way to work. Connections Chat workswith yourSametime 9 infrastructure and features built-inintegration withConnections Cloud family of offerings. Keyfeatures: - Richpresence including geographic location - Presenceintegration intoIBM Traveler - One-to-one and group chat withoffline messagingsupport - Chat history - Softphone - One-to-oneaudio and videochat - Broadcast announcements - Powerful searchcapabilities -Send and receive photos - Robust push-notificationsupport -Support for multiple communities - URL-based,one-clickconfiguration Connectivity Requirements IBM ConnectionsChat forAndroid supports both the IBM Sametime 8.5.2 IFR 1 Proxy,and thenew IBM Sametime 9 Proxy. However, the new voice andvideocapabilities are only available when connecting to an IBMSametime9 Proxy instance. For more information on IBM ConnectionsChat,visit http://www.ibm.com/sametime or join us at our SametimeBlogat http://www.ibm.com/sametimeblog. A current list ofIBMtrademarks is available on the webashttp://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml. All references tonamesin the images refer to fictitious company and ficitiouspersons,designed for illustration purposes only.
Connections Meetings 9.8.1
HCL Software
IBM Connections Meetings is the official app for online meetingsforIBM's award-winning Connections platform. IBM ConnectionsMeetingsgives you the power to leave your desktop behind and runand attendmeetings with colleagues, customers, and businesspartners from thecomfort of your smartphone or tablet fromanywhere you happen to be.IBM Connections Meetings is anext-generation universal app designedfor the new way to work. Itsinnovative capabilities allow you tooptimize the time you spend inmeetings by enhancing yoursituational awareness prior to, during,and after a meeting. All tohelp you accelerate your businessprocesses and improve decisionmaking and efficiency. IBMConnections Meetings works with your IBMSametime 9 infrastructureand features built-in integration withIBM's Connections Cloudfamily of offerings. Key features: -Calendar integration with IBMNotes and Microsoft Outlook - Securegroup chat - Instant polls -Annotations - Private thumbnaildocument preview - Integration withIBM Connections Social Filesincluding built-in integration withIBM Connections Social Cloud -Continuous-presence audio and video(on-premises) - Softphone
HCL Sametime 12.0.7 20230622-1605-PB
HCL Software
HCL Sametime is a secure, persistent team chat app for HCL Sametimeplatform.
HCL Nomad 1.0.42 20230525-1210
HCL Software
Access your Domino Applications on Android
Volt MX 9.5.0
HCL Software
Companion mobile app to the HCL Volt MX Application developmentplatform
Volt MX For Tablet 9.5.0
HCL Software
Companion mobile app to the HCL Volt MX Applicationdevelopmentplatform
HCL Connections 8.0.1
HCL Software
HCL® Connections is social software for business enabling teamcollaboration.